BeUpstanding™ Keynotes and Workshops

Delivered by our expert consultants and leading researchers

Our expert consultants can work with you to deliver engaging, tailored keynotes and workshops as part of your strategies for:

  • wellbeing and occupational health and safety weeks
  • management and leadership training
  • creating a dynamic, activity-permissive workplace

We can tailor our presentations to best suit your workplace.

We offer workshops for management, as well as general staff, as support from management and active participation by workers are both key to creating broader cultural change.

Here are a few that we offer.

Lunch Box Staff Information Seminar

A 30-minute information seminar delivered by an expert consultant.

Designed to:

  • raise awareness about the impacts of too much sitting
  • highlight the importance of standing up, sitting less and moving more for health and wellbeing


Staff-driven Strategies Workshop

A one-hour interactive workshop delivered by a leading research expert.

Designed to:

  • raise awareness of the dangers of too much sitting
  • help staff identify unique low or no-cost change strategies that best suit your workplace and can be implemented immediately
  • create a cultural shift to support a more active workplace


Coaching Workshop for Leaders in Championing Change

A 2-hour interactive workshop delivered by an expert coaching consultant.

Designed to:

  • provide workplace champions and staff supervisors/team leaders with the tools to create a cohesive support system
  • help build sustainable cultural change


BeUpstanding Workplace Packages

Evidence-based packages for your workplace delivered by expert consultants for maximum impact

Measurement & Data-Driven Feedback

Collect and analyse data to measure activity, health and work outcomes

BeUpstanding Text Coach

Cost-effective personalised coaching to create and sustain change